REO-Clean uses a “package price” per sample. Sampling includes the following: round trip to the property, collect samples, documentation & digital pictures, file report and package samples for travel, fly samples overnight with early delivery to the lab, lab processing charges, e-mail lab results to REO-Clean, and forward to the customer.
Based on travel distance, per sample is $95 to $135 each with about 6-7 sample locations in a 100–1200 Sq. Ft. house (on average). Example: 6 samples @ $100 ea is $600 total price. Again, travel time & distance is the price change factor per sample cost.
Testing laboratories in the United States provide professional testing processes in many areas of expertise. REO-Clean uses a professional lab in Washington State for meth testing, and the process is Methamphetamine per modified NIOSH 9109 & EPA 8270 by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Some labs will use LC-MS, which is Liquid and not Gas. The purpose of testing is to determine if any contamination level exists.
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The registry is a courtesy and is not a factual document to be used as a sole decision-maker. Here are a few more points of interest:
• The registry is for law enforcement entries only based on actual drug lab incidents.
• It’s not just Meth but any law enforcement active lab discovered in the U.S.
• Meth labs are listed the same as all other labs. Testing of a property is the best way to determine whether a property is Meth contaminated or not.
• REO-Clean has worked with local Environmental Health Departments and the DEA to remove a property from the list legally.
• The updated registry requires the exact date of the incident in order to find a specific incident listed. Extremely hard when the information is hearsay.
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